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Discover an Easy Trick to Simplify Your C# Test Assertions!

Can we all agree that this test assertion is beautiful and easy to read?

var order = new Order(1);

order.AddProduct(new Product("Shoes", 50), 2);
order.AddProduct(new Product("T-Shirt", 10), 1);


.ContainProduct("Shoes", 2)
.ContainProduct("T-Shirt", 1);

But how can we reach this level of clarity when starting from something like this?

var order = new Order(1);

order.AddProduct(new Product("Shoes", 50), 2);
order.AddProduct(new Product("T-Shirt", 10), 1);

.Contain(line=> line.Product.Name == "Shoes")
.Contain(line=> line.Product.Name == "T-Shirt")

The key to achieving this lies in expressing the assertion using domain-specific concepts. Once you have figured out the domain-specific expression, it's just a matter of implementing it using your assertion library.

As a huge fan of Fluent Assertions, I can vouch for its high accessibility, making it the perfect choice for crafting elegant and easy-to-read test assertions.

In this example, we will refactor a test assertion to simplify its various components. The test uses and has a model containing an Order, Order Line, and Product. The test ensures that when the AddProduct method is called within the Order, each product is correctly added as an order line with the appropriate quantity. The complex assertion shown checks the lines for a specific product name and verifies the corresponding quantity is accurate.

public class Order
public Order(int number)
Number = number;
private readonly List<OrderLine> _lines = new();
public int Number { get; }

public IReadOnlyCollection<OrderLine> Lines => _lines.AsReadOnly();

public decimal TotalAmount => _lines.Sum(line => line.Amount * line.Quantity);

public void AddProduct(Product product, int quantity)
_lines.Add(new OrderLine()
Product = product,
Amount = product.Amount,
Quantity = quantity

public class OrderLine
public Product Product { get; set; }
public int Quantity { get; set; }
public decimal Amount { get; set; }

public class Product
public Product(string name, decimal amount)
Name = name;
Amount = amount;

public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal Amount { get; set; }

Fluent Custom Assertions

In this example, we'll create a new test to refactor the test assertion, keeping both the original and refactored versions for comparison. The refactored test uses the same setup as the original.

While Fluent Assertions already offers great readability, we can further enhance it by creating custom methods tailored to our domain-specific needs.

When utilizing Fluent Assertions, the first step is to call the Should method, which grants us access to various assertions. The question is: How can we extend that list further?

Fortunately, Fluent Assertions offers a Custom Extensions feature that we can leverage.

Let's create an extension for the Order class.

public static class OrderExtensions
public static OrderAssertions Should(this Order instance)
return new OrderAssertions(instance);

You might have noticed that we are returning a OrderAssertions type. Now, let's define that type.

public class OrderAssertions
private readonly Order _instance;
public OrderAssertions(Order instance)
_instance = instance;


This class should have a constructor that receives the order object as a parameter and a field to store it.

Within this type, we can finally implement our custom method, which will express the assertion using domain concepts.

public class OrderAssertions
private readonly Order _instance;
public OrderAssertions(Order instance)
_instance = instance;

public AndConstraint<OrderAssertions> ContainProduct(
string productName, int quantity, string because = "", params object[] becauseArgs)

return new AndConstraint<OrderAssertions>(this);


By creating this custom method, we have further enhanced the readability and expressiveness of our test assertions, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain the code. By using the AndConstraint as the return type, we can chain multiple assertions together.

Now, let's write our assertion.

var order = new Order(1);

order.AddProduct(new Product("Shoes", 50), 2);
order.AddProduct(new Product("T-Shirt", 10), 1);


.ContainProduct("Shoes", 2)
.ContainProduct("T-Shirt", 1);

However, if we attempt to use one of the out-of-the-box assertions like ShouldNotBeNull, we encounter a compilation error. Let's bring those back into play.

To achieve this, we need to go back to the OrderAssertions class and make it inherit from ReferenceTypeAssertions.

To implement this change, simply inherit from ReferenceTypeAssertions, remove the private read-only field, and update the constructor accordingly.

public class OrderAssertions : ReferenceTypeAssertions<Order, OrderAssertions>
public OrderAssertions(Order instance)
: base(instance)

public AndConstraint<OrderAssertions> ContainProduct(
string productName, int quantity, string because = "", params object[] becauseArgs)

return new AndConstraint<OrderAssertions>(this);

protected override string Identifier => "order";

Now, it compiles successfully. We can not only use our custom assertions but also the default ones.

Now, let's make our assertion do something meaningful. Here, we can define conditions and a failure message. To utilize Fluent Assertions' engine for our custom ContainProduct method, we can access the Execute.Assertion property. This will allow us to inject our desired constraints or conditions.

public class OrderAssertions : ReferenceTypeAssertions<Order, OrderAssertions>
public OrderAssertions(Order instance)
: base(instance)

public AndConstraint<OrderAssertions> ContainProduct(
string productName, int quantity, string because = "", params object[] becauseArgs)

.BecauseOf(because, becauseArgs)
.FailWith("You can't assert a product exist if you don't pass a proper name");

return new AndConstraint<OrderAssertions>(this);

protected override string Identifier => "order";

The exciting part is that we can chain multiple conditions here.

public class OrderAssertions : ReferenceTypeAssertions<Order, OrderAssertions>
public OrderAssertions(Order instance)
: base(instance)

public AndConstraint<OrderAssertions> ContainProduct(
string productName, int quantity, string because = "", params object[] becauseArgs)

.BecauseOf(because, becauseArgs)
.FailWith("You can't assert a product exist if you don't pass a proper name")
.FailWith("Expecting Products added to the Order")
.Given(() => Subject.Lines)
.ForCondition(lines => lines.Any(line => line.Product.Name.Equals(productName)))
.FailWith("Expected {context:order} to contain {0}{reason}, but found {1}.",
_ => productName, lines => lines.Select(line => line.Product.Name))
.Given(_ => Subject.Lines.First(line => line.Product.Name == productName))
.ForCondition(line => line.Quantity == quantity)
.FailWith("Expected {context:order} to contain {0}{reason}, but found {1}.",
_ => quantity, line => line.Quantity);

return new AndConstraint<OrderAssertions>(this);

protected override string Identifier => "order";

And we're done!

But before we conclude, let's take another look at the before and after versions.


.Contain(line=> line.Product.Name == "Shoes")
.Contain(line=> line.Product.Name == "T-Shirt")



.ContainProduct("Shoes", 2)
.ContainProduct("T-Shirt", 1);

Don't you think it's much better now?

Keep it Simple 🌱